An unusual 8-day drum head fusee wall clock with half dead beat escapement and maintaining power. The mahogany case is complemented by a silvered dial with blued steel hands and heavy brass bezel. signed "James Paterson, Edinburgh"
17" x 6.5"
James Paterson is described in the book by John Smith ""Old Scottish clockmakers 1453 - 1850"
"Bound apprentice to James Howden, 2Oth July 1789; compeared 1st February 1806 and presented his essay, a watch movement begun, made, and finished in his own shop, in presence of James Howden, landlord, Robert Green, John Sibbald, and Laurence Dalgleish, essay masters as they declared." E. H. Records.
"James Paterson acquaints his friends and the public that having been near fifteen years with Mr James Howden learning and practising the art of watch and clock making, he has now opened shop for himself at the foot of Lawnmarket, north side, where, by attention to business, he hopes to attain a share of public favour. A variety of fashionable clocks and watches always on hand. Watches and clocks cleaned and repaired upon moderate terms. Orders from the country carefully attended to." -Edinburgh Evening Courant 2nd June 1804.
" PATERSON, JAMES, Watch and Clock Maker, at the sign of the Gilded Watch, foot of the Lawn- market, north side, opposite the City Guard, grateful for past favours, informs his friends and the public that he has always on hand a good stock of eight- day clocks in mahogany and wainscot cases ; also a great variety of watches in gold, silver, and gilt cases, which he can recommend as good and useful articles. As it is acknowledged by every one that no person can be a proper judge of a watch but those who have been bred to and are workmen and understand the business, J. P., being himself a workman, and having a proper knowledge of the trade, flatters himself that a discerning public will see the advantage of and security that they have in purchasing from such as are judges of what they recommend. Clocks and Watches of every description cleaned and repaired in the best manner and on moderate terms." Edinburgh Evening Courant, 9th April 1809."
---- A quotation from "Old Scottish clockmakers 1453 - 1850" by John Smith page 292 ----
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